Sorted Table

Employee ID First Name Last Name Date Hired Notes
Sorting functionality provided by SortedTable
8888 Bob Billiards 5/13/1993 Drinks too much coffee
1234 Carmen Sandiego 8/29/1983 Hasn't shown up to work in weeks. Where in the world is she?
1169 Theodore Logan 10/15/1989 Goes by Ted. Has a rock band called Wyld Stallyns.
3141 Laszlo Hollyfeld 1/31/1980 Odd fellow. Works in a closet.
3142 Laszlo 2 Hollyfeld 1/31/1981 Inactive
3143 Laszlo 3 Hollyfeld 1/31/1982 Crazy
5678 Cookie Monster 04/01/1974
5 Johnny Dangerously 05/04/1983
4A John Dillenger 06/06/1986
3 Calvin Coolidge 08/02/1923 Succeeded Warren Harding


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