Title: Systems Administrator Senior (06-2015 to present), IT Project Leader (10-2010 to 06-2015), Web Developer (9-2005 to 09-2010)
What I do there:
- Manage web, email, and application servers.
- Manage technical team to deploy Canvas LMS and create custom plugins
- Interactive Adobe (née Macromedia) Flash/ActionScript 3.
- Web application design, implementation, and maintenance using ColdFusion and Oracle.
- Product research and evaluation.
- Cross-campus team to develop secure web coding standards.
- With any luck I'll make some headway into into improving accessibility and CSS standards. (Update: Hey, I did! The site redesign templates validate as HTML 4.01 strict!)
- Selected and implemented Flash-based JW Player for streaming video (with Wowza RTMP server). Also managed the law school's iTunes U and YouTube accounts.
- Developed an interactive Help Center, a self-serve location for students' IT questions
- Configured new search engine application (Coveo Enterprise Search)
- Developed digital signage presentation and back-end admin tools for use on Onelan's NTB system
- Created online classifieds system for the school community to reduce email clutter