P O E T # 3 : B E R N I E   B E R N S T E I N

Oh My Gosh, A Weevil

I haven't seen the likes of him...
for over forty years, a black
black weevil with a mouth that
cuts like shears through a
kernel of corn or the germ,
through the wheat, for a weevil
yes a weevil loves to eat.

Way back then in '58 I used
to inspect the grain for the
US Government and when I
saw a weevil I shouted loud and
clear "you goddamned weevil, get
the hell out of here."

A weevil yes one weevil was
in my dry popcorn and it made
me very happy for it had been
so very long since I'd seen
that nasty weevil, some four
decades, maybe even more, like
an old old friend back from

Thank you Mr. Weevil for thoughts
so long ago but never you mind
what happened then, for "in the
garbage you must go."

H.A.K.T.U.P.! #4 02-2000

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