Osric Publishing
465 Nicollet Mall #908
Minneapolis MN 55401
Osric Publishing is not accepting unsolicited chapbook or book manuscripts at this time.
Osric Publishing is a small press publishing company that has been operating since 1993 and has published five periodical titles, three chapbooks, one online novel, and numerous other projects.
Osric Publishing focuses on both traditional and innovative writing and publishing methods.
Osric Publishing also provides server space on osric.com to a number of other writers, artists, and musicians.
Murder Crows, both a print and online journal of poetry & prose, will be launched in Fall 2010. It will involve community participation, where contributors will share some of the editorial power.
Osric Publishing's flagship publication is White Crow, a traditional journal of poetry and short fiction. Excerpts of previous issues are available at www.wcrow.com.
Osric Publishing's now-defunct monthly poetry publication, H.A.K.T.U.P., took a non-traditional approach to selection. Notions of "good" vs. "bad" writing were set aside in favor of pieces that were passionate, energetic, and memorable...despite other flaws or quirks. Excerpts of this unique publication are available at osric.com/haktup/.
Three issues of Quick Zine were loosely organized and published by Osric Publishing. Each issue of Quick Zine was developed and produced by a team of writers in a few short hours, after which the team took copies to the streets of Ann Arbor, Michigan, and sold them. With the exception of QZ3, all copies were sold, for an insubstantial profit, the same day they were produced. These materials are not yet available on any web site.
In a similar vein, Osric Publishing organized a collaborative novel effort, which resulted in Quick Novel - the novel written in six hours. The novel, written by a team of seven authors, is only available here: osric.com/quicknovel/.
Osric Publishing's efforts to promote collaborative writing projects are far from over, with the introduction of a new web site in May, 2000: mediacropolis.osric.com (formerly mediacropolis.com). As of May, 2003, the mediacropolis site was still in development, although usable.
Osric Publishing published Kenneth Pobo's Ravens and Black Bananas, a chapbook of poetry, in 1995.
In July, 2001, Osric Publishing introduced David Offutt's Bench Marks, a chapbook of poetry: osric.com/offutt/.
Osric Publishing once published an inconceivable publication called Unikazine. Only one copy of each issue was produced, and each issue was comprised of original content (hence, each issue was unique). Seven issues were produced...none of the material is available online.
Osric Publishing also produced a number of other publications, such as Christina M. Strichter's Herakles and the Hydra, the short-lived periodical Scatology, and many others.
Osric Publishing's primary production method is photocopying, which provides relatively high quality reproductions at a reasonable price, and allows short print runs.
Questions? Send an e-mail to chris@
osric.com, but keep in mind that we do not accept unsolicited chapbook or book manuscripts at this time. Poetry and fiction submission guidelines for White Crow may be found at this web address: www.wcrow.com/guidelines.html.