3 Ways to Make Your Pages Facebook-Friendly

Sharing on FacebookYou’ve made a Facebook page and a Twitter account. You’ve even added “chicklets” to your site to let people easily share your content. But are your pages optimized for sharing?

When a user shares a link on Facebook, they can change the title and the description–but most people don’t know that, and won’t take the time even if they do. It is important to make sure that the default information that appears is what you want other users to see.

  1. Use a good title.

    This has always been important for SEO, but it’s also what shows up when a user shares your link. You can supply text specifically for sharing with an Open Graph meta tag:
    <meta property="og:title" content="3 Ways to Make Your Pages Facebook Friendly" />

    This can help you keep it short by eliminating your lengthy blog name or company name.

  2. Make sure the first paragraph is important.

    The first paragraph shows up as the descriptive text. If your page contains rich media or other non-text content, you can add an Open Graph meta tag

    Like the title meta tag, it looks very similar:
    <meta property="og:description" content="What do your pages look like when you share them on Facebook? Do they have a good title? Relevant intro text that interests the reader? An interesting image? Tips on how to make your page work for all 3." />

  3. Include a relevant image.

    Wall posts with images stand out more. Facebook will select the first non-linked image as the default, and will let users select from a menu of other non-linked images on the page

  4. You can find out about other Open Graph meta tags at http://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/. Facebook recommends including the XML namespace attribute for the Open Graph in your html element:

    Digital Inspiration’s Set Thumbnail Images for Your Web Pages describes a way to specify a thumbnail images using a link element:
    <link rel="image_src" href="http://osric.com/chris/images/sharing-on-facebook.gif" />

Using SharePoint’s Imaging Web Service to access Publishing Images

I spent a fair amount of time yesterday trying to access the images in the Images list (also known as Publishing Images) of a SharePoint site using the SOAP-based Imaging web service. Every time it failed, usually with an uninformative error message.

Finally, I used cURL to send the SOAP requests so that I could see every last detail of the transaction. The SOAP response was pretty clear at that point:

The list PublishingImages is not found


The list Images is not found

I tried other Picture Libraries on the site, and that worked fine. That’s when it dawned on me: the SharePoint Images (or PublishingImages) list is a Document Library, not a Picture Library. That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, but fine, it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve run into something nonsensical in SharePoint.

I was hoping to use the download method of the Imaging web service. I don’t have an alternative solution at this time, but I hope to find one soon using one of the other SharePoint web services.