Extracting links from Google Sheets

I was working with a shared Google Sheet at work and ran into this:

An excerpt of a Google Sheet. Each row contains a cell with a hyperlink labeled Link
An excerpt of a Google Sheet. Each row contains a cell with a hyperlink labeled Link, but the actual URL is not displayed.

I get it, URLs can be long and messy. We want narrow columns that look clean, not cluttered. But I wanted to analyze the URLs and search for certain content and patterns, which were hidden from me behind the link text.

How can I extract all the URLs?
Continue reading Extracting links from Google Sheets

Minor improvements to legacy Perl code

We’re always working with code we didn’t write. You’ll spend far more time looking at code you didn’t write (or don’t remember writing) than you will spend writing new code.

Today I looked at an example Perl script that used 45 lines of code to pull the company associated with an OUI (Organizationally Unique Identifier) from a text file, given a MAC address.

I thought I could do slightly better.


OUI=$(echo "$1" | sed 's/[^A-Fa-f0-9]//g' | cut -c1-6)
awk -F "\t" -v IGNORECASE=1 -v OUI="$OUI" '$0 ~ OUI { print $3 }' ouidb.tsv
exit 0

Example run:

$ sh find_mac_co.sh 7c:ab:60:ff:ff:ff
Apple, Inc.

There’s probably a way to make the Perl version shorter too. I’m more familiar with bash and shell commands.

The biggest problem with this script is that it relies on an up-to-date list of OUIs. An even better way is to query an API:


curl "https://api.maclookup.app/v2/macs/$MACADDRESS/company/name"
exit 0

Example run:

$ sh find_mac_co_api.sh 7c:ab:60:ff:ff:ff
Apple, Inc.

Renaming multiple files: replacing or truncating varied file extensions

In the previous post, I ran into an issue where Wget saved files to disk verbatim, including query strings/parameters. The files on disk ended up looking like this:

  • wp-includes/js/comment-reply.min.js?ver=6.4.2
  • wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=3.4.1
  • wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.min.js?ver=3.7.1
  • wp-includes/css/dist/block-library/style.min.css?ver=6.4.2

I wanted to find a way to rename all these files, and truncate the filename after and including the question mark. As an example, to convert jquery.min.js?ver=3.7.1 to jquery.min.js.

Continue reading Renaming multiple files: replacing or truncating varied file extensions

3 ways to remove blank lines from a file

There are certainly more than 3 ways to do this. Typically I’ve always used sed to do this, but here’s my method using sed and two other methods using tr and awk:


sed '/^$/d' file_with_blank_lines


tr -s '\n' <file_with_blank_lines


awk '{ if ($0) print $0 }' file_with_blank_lines

If you have other favorite ways, leave a note in the comments!

Size of data in bytes

This was prompted by an error I was running into with the AWS s3 service: I needed to tell the transfer utility the size of the data, in bytes, when transferring large files.

In this case I am looking at files of characters. Some of these methods should work equally well for binary files, and others don’t. In the following examples, I’ll use the full text of Moby-Dick from Project Gutenberg, 2701-0.txt, as the target file. I retrieved the file using the following command:

curl -O http://www.gutenberg.org/files/2701/2701-0.txt

A couple commands to get size in bytes immediately came to mind: ls, stat, and wc.

$ ls -l 2701-0.txt | cut -d' ' -f5

$ stat --format %s 2701-0.txt 

$ wc -c 2701-0.txt | cut -d' ' -f1

All those options work. But what if the input isn’t a file on disk, and instead is an input stream? This is to demonstrate counting the bytes in a character stream coming from any source, so forgive the “useless use of cat”:

$ cat 2701-0.txt | wc -c

$ cat 2701-0.txt | cksum | cut -d' ' -f2

$ cat 2701-0.txt | dd of=/dev/null
2492+1 records in
2492+1 records out
1276201 bytes (1.3 MB, 1.2 MiB) copied, 0.00997434 s, 128 MB/s

The output from dd above is not the simplest thing to parse. It’s multi-line and sent to stderr, so I redirected it to stdout and grepped for “bytes”:

$ cat 2701-0.txt | dd of=/dev/null 2>&1 | grep 'bytes' | cut -d' ' -f1

There are at least 5 methods to find the size of a file using common command-line tools:

  • ls
  • stat
  • wc
  • cksum
  • dd

Know of others? Leave a comment below.

Running VMs? Delete wireless packages!

A best practice for system configuration is to remove any unneeded software. It’s sometimes difficult to know exactly what is needed and what isn’t, but CentOS 7 minimal and CentOS 8 minimal both install a number of packages related to wireless networking. If you’re running a server or a VM there’s almost never a need for these to be present.

To identify packages, I used yum search (substitute dnf for yum on CentOS 8):

yum search wireless

I used the same command a redirected the output to a file:

yum search wireless >wireless_packages

To get just the package names and convert it to a space-separated list, I used grep, cut, and paste:

grep -v Summary wireless_packages | cut -d. -f1 | paste -d' ' -s

You can remove them with the following command:

sudo yum remove iw iwl6000-firmware crda iwl100-firmware iwl1000-firmware iwl3945-firmware iwl4965-firmware iwl5000-firmware iwl5150-firmware iwl105-firmware iwl135-firmware iwl3160-firmware iwl6000g2a-firmware iwl6000g2b-firmware iwl6050-firmware iwl2000-firmware iwl2030-firmware iwl7260-firmware

iw and crda were not installed, so were ignored. The rest were removed.

This may seem trivial, but it frees up some disk space (~100MB) and it means that these packages won’t need to be updated in the future. Getting notifications from your monitoring systems or vulnerability management systems about updates or security updates to unused and unnecessary packages should be avoided.

Combining pcap (packet capture) files

Motivation: I wanted to combine 2 or more packet capture, or pcap, files in order to create an example:

  • One that contains just malicious (or simulated malicious) network traffic
  • Another contains legitimate, non-malicious network traffic

Many example packet capture files focus either specifically on malware, exploits, C2 traffic, etc. (like Security Onion’s list of PCAPs for Testing) or on examples of legitimate traffic (like Wireshark’s Sample Captures). I wanted to create an example that would interweave such sources and intersperse malicious and legitimate traffic, as they would typically occur concurrently.

In addition to tcpdump, there are three CLI tools provided by Wireshark that I used to help accomplish this:

  • capinfos – provides high-level data about a packet capture file
  • mergecap – combines 2 or more packet capture files
  • editcap – modified packet details, such as timestamps, in a packet capture file

Continue reading Combining pcap (packet capture) files

curl basic auth using base64 encoded credentials

I was trying to access password-protected files via HTTPS using curl. The site required basic auth. For a demo, I created this example:

Username: admin
Password: 123456

It’s trivial to access this interactively via curl:

$ curl -u admin https://osric.com/chris/demo/admin/
Enter host password for user 'admin':

Or programmatically by providing the credentials in the URL:

$ curl https://admin:123456@osric.com/chris/demo/admin/

Or by providing a base64-encoded username:password pair in an Authorization header:

$ curl -H "Authorization: Basic $(echo -n admin:123456 | base64)" https://osric.com/chris/demo/admin/

(Note that echo includes a trailing newline character by default, which we do not want to include in the base64-encoded value. Specify the -n flag to echo to eliminate the trailing newline.)

But I was manipulating files with a Bash script that was being stored in a Git repository, and I didn’t want to store the credentials in the repository. So I stored the credentials in a separate file:

$ echo -n 'admin:123456' > ~/admin-credentials
$ chmod 0600 ~/admin-credentials

Now I can read the credentials from the file:

$ curl -H "Authorization: Basic $(cat admin-credentials | base64)" https://osric.com/chris/demo/admin/

I ran into a problem when I tried to update the credentials file with vi (or vim). Vi automatically inserts an end-of-line (EOL) character, which is not apparent to the user. The base64-encoded value includes the EOL character, and therefore the above command would supply invalid credentials.

To eliminate this in vi, use the following vi commands:

:set binary
:set noeol

Alternately, just overwrite the file with the updated credentials:

$ echo -n 'admin:123456' > ~/admin-credentials

Make a CVS project read-only

In the previous post, Converting a CVS project to a Git repository, I describe using cvs2git to convert a CVS project to a git repository. After I made the conversion, I wanted to make the CVS project read-only.

There’s probably no reason to keep the CVS project around (the history is in the git repo, and I have backups of the CVS project), but it felt like the right thing to do. The blog post Read-only CVS access for only certain projects was extremely helpful to accomplish this.

The key component is the CVSROOT/commitinfo file within your CVS repository. Like any other project in CVS, you need to check this out to make changes:

cvs co CVSROOT
cd CVSROOT && vi commitinfo

You specify a regular expression and a script to run before committing data to a project matching that regular expression. If the script exits with a non-zero exit code (indicating an error), the commit is aborted. For initial testing, I used false (or /bin/false) for the script component, which does nothing and returns an exit code of 1.

I had some problems with this, in part because I was not sure what the project string would look like. I tried a few things:

  • ^/testrepo/.* false (didn’t work)
  • ^testrepo/.* false didn’t work
  • ^t.* false worked, but would match other projects as well

Eventually I switched to using the read-only-project.sh example from the aforementioned blog post, which printed out the values of the project path and the filenames to be committed.

From there I could see that the project path:

  • Does not include an initial slash
  • Does not include a trailing slash
  • May include additional slashes if the project contains subdirectories

The same script suggests including the following in commitinfo:

^projectname/.* /path/to/script "%p" %s

That regular expression does not work — it would match a file at projectname/subdir1/file1 but not projectname/file1.

And what do the “%p” and %s mean? From C.3.4 Commitinfo:

Currently, if no format strings are specified, a default string of ` %r/%p %{s}’ will be appended to the command line template before replacement is performed, but this feature is deprecated.

I found another document, C.3.1 The common syntax, which describes the format strings.

  • p – the name of the directory being operated on within the repository.
  • {s} – the file name(s), in curly braces because it is a list

The same page includes a sample regular expression that solves the problem I was having:


Finally, here is what I added to CVSROOT/commitinfo:

^testrepo\(/\|$\) /usr/local/script/read-only-project.sh

Note that this script needs to exist on the same machine as the CVS repository (which may or may not be the same machine as your checked-out copy).

Converting a CVS project to a Git repository

Why do I still have projects in CVS in 2018?

  1. I inherited them
  2. Inertia

Fortunately, the cvs2svn project includes cvs2git. The instructions included are good, but here are a few things I ran into that may be useful:

You need the actual CVS repo, not a checked out copy. If you run cvs2git on a checked-out copy, you will get an error message like:

ERROR: No RCS files found under 'projectname'

I found that mentioned on svn2git fails “ERROR: No RCS files found under…”. A comment there mentions getting a tarball of your project from Sourceforge, but if you aren’t working with a Sourceforge project, make your own tarball:

tar -cf cvs.tar.gz /path/to/CVS

I created a tarball because I am not running cvs2git on the same machine as my actual CVS repo. cvs2git is non-destructive, and I have backups in case something goes wrong, but I didn’t feel like taking any risks (or testing my restore procedures) at that moment.

I ended up running cvs2git on a Fedora VM. First, install CVS:

sudo dnf install cvs

Install cvs2svn:

wget http://cvs2svn.tigris.org/files/documents/1462/49543/cvs2svn-2.5.0.tar.gz
tar -xf cvs2svn-2.5.0.tar.gz
cd cvs2svn-2.5.0
make install

Create the blob and dump files (you’ll import these into git shortly):

cvs2git --blobfile=/tmp/gitblob.dat --dumpfile=/tmp/gitdump.dat /path/to/specific/cvs/project

Create a bare git repository:

git init --bare reponame
cd reponame

Import the blob and dump files into the git repository:

cat /tmp/gitblob.dat /tmp/gitdump.dat | git fast-import

Now the CVS project is a git repository! Great, but how do I put a bare repo on GitHub or a GitHub Enterprise instance? The article Moving a repository from GitHub.com to GitHub Enterprise was helpful:

git remote add origin git@[hostname]:[owner]/[repo-name].git
git push origin--mirror

(It’s still a bare repo locally, so if you want to check it out you can clone it out to another destination folder, or rm -rf the local repo and clone it.)

The last thing I wanted to do: make the current CVS project read-only. That turned out to be more confusing than I expected, so I’ve turned that into a separate post, Make a CVS project read-only.