Departments and Faculty
- Contrived Languages
- Applied Abnormal Psychology
- Pathological Lying
- Introduction to Psychology
- Depression and Modernity
- Creativity and Manic Depression (Bipolar Disorder)
- Pop Psychology and its Effects on Business
- Overprescription of Psychoactive Medications
- Anxiety Disorders and the Problems of Counseling
- Psychological Self-Testing & Teen Magazines
- Great Names in Psychology
- Anecdotal Research Techniques
- Drug Use and Creative Expression
- Modern Music History
- Japanese Hip Hop Studies
- Musicians as Performers: the Effect of Prerecorded Audio
- The Merging of Genres: The "Bring Tha Noise" Effect
- Revisionist Computer Science
- Social Engineering
- Religious Studies
- Literature and Arts
- For Dummies: A Study of Accessible Literature
- Mail-Order Catalogues: The Literature of Persuasion
- Collaborative Fiction of the Late 20th Century
- Breakfast cereal boxes (General Mills and Kelloggs) Coming Soon!
Updated 08-16-2005. Problems? Contact chris@