Using getResponseHeader with jQuery’s ajax method

The Canvas API uses pagination for requests that return multiple items. The URL of the next result set is specified in an HTTP response header. I know how to get the response body, but how do I get the response headers from a jQuery AJAX call?

The jQuery ajax documentation indicates that the “[jqXHR] object returned by $.ajax() as of jQuery 1.5 is a superset of the browser’s native XMLHttpRequest object.” And the XMLHttpRequest object includes a getResponseHeader method.

At first I tried calling getResponseHeader as a method of the data object:

}).done(function (data) {

But data contained just the response body, and data.getResponseHeader was null.

A closer look at the jQuery documentation indicated that additional objects are passed to the done function, including the jqXHR object. Accessing that object’s getResponseHeader method worked:

}).done(function (data, textStatus, xhr) { 

T-Mobile Website Unfriendly to Chrome, Safari

Early this morning, Nicola was bugging me to add a data plan to her phone account in anticipation of receiving her shiny new MyTouch. We logged on to the site using our favored browser, Google’s Chrome. Here’s what we found:

T-Mobile\'s default page in Chrome, post login
T-Mobile's default page in Chrome, post login

After several unsuccessful attempts to view info for her line from several different screens, we called T-Mobile’s customer support. The service rep walked through the same steps and said, “OK, now you should see tabs on the left with your names, phone numbers, and ‘Add A Line’.”

That’s when it hit me. I should try a different browser.
Continue reading T-Mobile Website Unfriendly to Chrome, Safari